Monday, October 1, 2007


With miracle foods

Players: 4-6

Ages: 16 onwards


Consists of two major types of cards. The first type of cards are the miracle food cards, which can be one of the six miracle foods namely red wine, chocolate, fish, fruits and vegetables, garlic and nuts. Each card represents only 1 oz. of the particular miracle food. This means, two chocolate cards mean two ounces of chocolate. The other type of cards are the basic ingredients cards which include oil, spices, whole grain, salt & pepper, milk, spices etc. These are more general cards and don’t include quantity in them. Meaning, one oil card, is enough to make any dish that involves oil irrespective of the amount of oil needed.


One player deals 7 cards (a mixture of all the above cards) and places the remaining stack in the center with the first card facing upwards. If you haven’t guessed it already, yUMMY is a rummy style card game where the player has to keep swapping cards with those in his/her hand and those in the center stacks, to get a recipe of a dish which he/she thinks will work. (It may or may not have to be from the book).

How to Play:

Once the seven cards are dealt, the person to the left of the dealers starts playing and the round goes in clockwise direction. At each turn, the player will take a card from either of the two piles in front of him, the once facing down or the one facing up, and put down a card from his own set in the pile facing up. The main objective is to build a recipe that he/she thinks will work. The round is over when one of them lays down a recipe that is accepted by all the other players. Points can be awarded based on the amount of miracle food used or the amount of risk to CVD that could be reduced by consuming that amount of miracle food as used in that recipe.

Possible rules and objectives:

- The recipe must be from a book.

- The person who wins/ claims that the recipe works, must make the dish. This requires the participants to gather as many ingredients as possible.

- The game can go on for a fixed number of rounds, and in the end all the winning recipes are made and tried out.

- The overall winner gets a bottle of red wine! And the runner up gets a big bar of dark chocolate!!

Refinements and possible extensions:

- Fixing the number of cards of each type, based on their frequency of occurrences in recipes.

- Selling sets of all ingredients + playing cards in grocery stores.

Group: Lance, Daniel and Vignesh

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